Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A 24-hour society Essay

In a 24-hour society, when are people supposed to get a good night’s rest? The automobile industry, the airline industry, the medical industry, the manufacturing industry, the safety industry – all of these and others are industries which cannot simply close at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.   People must work around the clock to provide for the health, safety, and entertainment of others.   Unfortunately, scientists are becoming more concerned about the effects of the night shift on American workers.   While the night shift cannot be obliterated from working class America, those that do work on this schedule and the companies that employ them must be aware of the physical and psychological factors that come into play for the employee as well as the risks for the company itself. Twenty to thirty million Americans have jobs that require them to work nontraditional schedules, which includes working during nighttime hours when other, traditional workers are asleep (Weiss, 1989).   This shift has been around since society became industrialized because the need for 24 hour services in prisons and hospitals necessitated a â€Å"night† person.   However, these night workers have a much more difficult time than day workers in a variety of areas.   Most of these problems can be traced back to the lack of sleep and light that these workers receive while they are awake. See more: My Writing Process Essay Scientists have been studying the body’s circadian rhythms in order to solve the puzzle of sleep deprivation and its effects.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Circadian rhythms are the body’s reaction to the alternation of light and dark and   cues such as the timing of meals and sleep. This 24hour light-dark circadian cycle   is derived from the Latin circa (â€Å"about†) and dies (â€Å"day†). Since prehistoric times, circadian rhythms have regulated the pattern of working by day and sleeping by night† (Learning to live with light-dark cycles, 1996). This genetic functioning is the basis for how individuals are genetically programmed to sleep and to wake. According to scientists, the light from around a person travels through his eye to the hypothalamus in the brain – where the supposed â€Å"biological clock† is located.   Then the impulse travels to the pineal gland at which point the production of melatonin (the hormone that allows people to sleep) is dramatically reduced.   The rise and fall of melatonin in the body affects body temperature, perceived energy and enzyme and hormone production (Learning to live with light-dark cycles, 1996).   Ã‚  Ã‚   Basically, most of the body’s functions are related to this simple perception of light and dark.   One researcher, Dr. Foster, studying this phenomenon,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"found cells in the human eye that do nothing but detect bright sunlight and tell the brain to reset the sleep cycle accordingly† (Pepper, 2004).   He found that these eye cells do not help produce vision but are only set to respond to daylight.   It is important to note that even on a cloudy day, the daylight produced is 500 to 1,000 times brighter than any type of artificial light used in factories or offices.   These artificial lights do not fool these cells in the eye.          Pepper (2004) cites Foster in saying â€Å"You need light of a long duration and high brightness to shift the [biological] clock. This explains why business travelers crossing time zones eventually adapt, but night-shift workers never do. They get a dose of natural light on their way to and from work, too strong for a factory’s dim lamps to counter.†   These special eye cells feed directly to the brain and tell the brain’s ‘biological clock’ which is really about 20,000 cells with the scientific name of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, whether the person is receiving daylight or not.   If he is, the cells send out the word to stay away; if he is not, the cells send out sleep signals (Pepper, 2004). In addition to the sleepy or energized feeling that these cells can regulate, the human body is also affected in other ways. Scientific research has proved that people who work the third shift have a greater incidence of heart disease than those who work the first shift. They explain it by revealing that the less exposure to daylight a person has, the more the cholesterol is produced in the bloodstream, which will clog the person’s arteries (Fischette, 1992). â€Å"Blood pressure and pulse rates are slowest during the night, but rise dramatically upon wakening. Physicians see more heart attack and stroke patients in the morning hours.   Studies also are finding that circadian rhythms affect diabetes and certain cancers. For people with asthma, coughing and respiratory arrest are most common between midnight and 6:00 a.m.† (Pepper, 2004).   Similarly, Glaxo, Inc. a research organization in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina, notes other physiological effects that fall under control of these circadian rhythms: When parents remark that their children seem to grow overnight, they may not be far from the truth. During the hours of sleep, the human growth hormone is produced in greater abundance and is not inhibited from doing its job by activity hormones, like adrenaline, which are released during the day. Jet lag. When traveling to a different time zone, jet lag afflicts travelers and disrupts sleep and daytime functioning. The body’s circadian rhythm becomes â€Å"out of sync† with the rhythm of light and dark, taking up to several days to re-align itself to the new routine. Shift workers’ sleep disorder. Re-adjusting the body’s clock to different schedules on night or rotating shifts plays havoc with the natural circadian rhythm that responds to light and dark, making one’s temperature lowest at night and highest during the day. Although shift workers make up one-fourth of the nation’s workforce, they are twice as likely as nine-to-five individuals to report sleep disruption. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). For some people, the â€Å"winter blues† aren’t just a mood, but a chronic disorder that leads to depression, drowsiness, and carbohydrate cravings during the winter months. People suffering from SAD report longer periods of sleep, indicating that this disorder may be a circadian disturbance due to the shorter days of winter. Lung function. The body’s production of cortisol steroids, which control lung inflammation, drops at night and peaks in the morning. This means air flow in and out of the lungs is best at 4:00 p.m., often giving athletes a â€Å"leg up,† compared with other times of the day. Air flow drops to its lowest point at 4:00 a.m., explaining why people with asthma often have nocturnal problems.   Ã‚  (Learning to live with light-dark cycles, 1996). All of these negative affects will be exacerbated for those who must work during the dark, sleeping hours. Other problems can also arise from a lack of sleep due to working the third shift.   A range of personality and behavioral problems may arise due attitudes related to shift work. These attitudes correlate to sleep habits and self-assessed feelings of vigor (Bohle & Tilley, 1998).     Even if third shift workers are able to stay alert on shift, they may not be able to sleep during the day which exposes them to all kinds of additional problems due to sleep deprivation.     Ã¢â‚¬Å"Studies show that one night’s loss of sleep results in a 30 percent drop in cognitive performance, rising to 60 percent after two nights† (Bohle & Tilley, 1998).   This means that the ability to think and make decisions quickly, as may be required by the majority of third shift workers – police officers, air traffic controllers and medical personnel – may be seriously diminished if they cannot sleep well during the day.   Of course, as previously mentioned, the amount of daylight makes this very difficult (Bohle & Tilley, 1998).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The attitudes toward the night shift can also affect relationships and performance.   Night shift was most frequently characterized as being tiring, having drowsy moments, being bad for family life and not starting too early in a study reported by Bohle & Tilley, 1998).   Stickgold et al,   1999 reports also that night owls have slower reaction times, slower motor responses and slower levels of linguistic and associated processing. These could be very costly for some people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sadly, the vast majority of industrial accidents occur in the overnight hours when some workers may doze or suffer from lowered cognitive functioning. Such was the case with the accident at Three Mile Island, which began at 4 am. And the accident at Chernobyl, at 1:23 am (     the early hours when night-shift workers are prone to doze: the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island started at 4 a.m., Chernobyl at 1:23 a.m. (Bohle & Tilley, 1998).   Ã¢â‚¬Å"We are asking 20 percent of our work force, including pilots and surgeons, to operate when they’re massively impaired,† says Dr. Russell Foster, a molecular neuroscientist at London’s Imperial College (Bohle & Tilley, 1998).   Indeed, over 50% of shift workers admitted to falling asleep at least once while on the job (Weiss, 1989).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã ‚  Ã‚   .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scientists are working on some medications and false lighting systems to help with the physiological and psychological problems associated with third shift work.   Until then, workers and their company’s should take steps to prevent accidents and illnesses which may result. References Bohle, P & Tilley, AJ. (1998). Early experience of shif twork: Influences on attitudes. Journal of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Occupational and Organizational Psychology 71, 61-79. Fischette, M. (1992). Working the heart-disease shift. Omni14 (11) Pepper, T. (2004). Night Shift. Newsweek (Atlantic Edition) 144 (16). Stickgold, R.,   Scott, L.,   Rittenhouse, C., & Hobson, J.A. (1999).   Sleep-induced changes in   Ã‚  Ã‚   associative memory.   Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 11(2) Weiss, R. (1989). Safety gets short shrift on long night shift. Science News 135 (3)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine Use

The Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine Use Tobacco and alcohol use are common addictions amongst Americans. Each of these products are easily accessible at any convenience store and are perceived to be pleasurable activities as a result of their prevalence in American society. Both drugs also have significantly adverse effects on an individual's health and overall well-being. However, tobacco and alcohol consumption are quite different in the nature of the addiction, and the risks each drug pose to one's health. Tobacco has been present even before the establishment of America.In 1492, Christopher Columbus was offered dried tobacco leaves from the Native Americans he encountered. By 1600, tobacco was used for its assumed healing qualities and was often used as currency. Not until 1826 was the pure form of nicotine finally discovered and labeled a dangerous poison. During the 1980's, many lawsuits were filed against tobacco companies because of the harmful effects of their products. Smok ing became politically incorrect and more businesses began to prohibit smoking on their premises.Despite this, cigarette consumption in America is still common. Today, Marlboro is considered one of the most valuable brands of any product in the world, valued at over 30 billion dollars. (NCSU Libraries) Although the supposed health benefits of tobacco have been promoted by both a variety of cultures and corporations alike, the physical effects of nicotine on the body are now indisputable. In as little as ten minutes after consumption, nicotine can raise blood pressure, heart rate, and constrict blood vessels,thus increasing the chance of heart attack and stroke.Habitual use has been linked to cancer of the lung, throat, mouth, esophagus, bladder, cervix, kidney, larynx, and stomach. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Even casual use is accompanied by increased coughing, congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Aside from the havoc wrought internally from the frequent us e of tobacco, it also causes negative changes to one's physical appearance. These changes include, but are not limited to, tooth decay, gingivial recession, halitosis, stained fingers, and an unpleasant odor on one's person. University Health Center at the University of Georgia) According to the American Heart Association, in as little as one cigarette, a user may be addicted to nicotine. Nicotine addiction is recognized by the uncontrollable cravings to consume tobacco products. An addict may feel anxious about the next time they are able to use, and may be very irritable until their craving has been satisfied. As a user decreases their use of tobacco, they begin to withdrawal. Indications of withdrawal are different for each individual.A person will generally be cantankerous, and may suffer physical ailments, such as headaches, nausea, and cold like symptoms. Increased appetite, impaired work performance, and depression are additional symptoms linked to nicotine withdrawal. (Natio nal Library of Medicine) Alcohol has been a prevalent substance in human culture since 6400 B. C. According to Dr. William L. Smith, excavated clay jugs dating back to neolithic periods suggest the intentional fermentation of alcohol. Alcohol most likely originated in Middle Eastern regions, and was used primarily for its healing, antiseptic and religious purposes, often as a gift to the divine.Alcohol has always been a part of American culture, as it was first brought over by English settlers. One of the first laws regarding alcohol was passed in early seventeenth century Virginia. The law prohibited public drunkenness, as it was a threat to society. Though, the first alcohol related laws did not prohibit the substance itself. In 1920, National Prohibition took effect, consequently the 18th Amendment of the United States Constitution. However, in 1933, the 21st Amendment repealed the prohibition, legalizing the creation, sale, and consumption of alcohol. WWW2 Webserver) Laws in reg ards to alcohol had to be placed into effect in order to ensure the safety of America's people. Whether or not the alcohol use is routine, the array of symptoms that may be exhibited have the opportunity to be devastating to the user and to the public.In one night of drinking, the intoxicated individual has already put themselves at risk for alcohol poisoning, miscarriage, violence, and death. One of the least tolerated criminal offenses of today is driving while intoxicated (DWI), or driving under the influence (DUI), which is defined by a blood alcohol content level over . 8%. A few sips of an alcoholic beverage can debilitate the driver, causing them to careen in and out of lanes, run red lights, and other dangerous driving practices. Alcohol is also a common factor in regards to risky sexual behaviors. The impaired ability to make responsible decisions increases the chance of accidental pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Heavy alcohol use over the lifetime causes ann ihilating physical and psychiatric damage to the body. The user becomes at risk for a variety of health issues, including cirrhosis, dementia, liver disease, and stroke.Long term use also puts the individual at risk for mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon cancer. While the internal damage is taking place, the individual is slowly using their ability to function in society. The daily drunken stupor or hangover prohibits the person from excelling in the work place and in the classroom. Stomach pain, headache, and irritability are common symptoms that hinder the usefulness of the individual. If these characteristics persist, job loss and expulsion will occur. Aside from the regression of skills and potential successes, an alcoholic will induce detriment upon their family and friends. Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Alcoholism is, according to the University of Maryland Medical center, a â€Å"chronic, often progressive disease in which a person craves alcohol and dri nks despite repeated alcohol related problems, like losing a job or a relationship. † The disease is often accompanied by a significantly high tolerance to alcohol, drinking in order to feel â€Å"good† again. An addict may sneak or hide drinks, plan activities around drinking, or drink to escape life's hassles. Family and friends of the victim may notice personality changes, mood swings, and broken promises.The addict may feel troubled by how much they are consuming, and may be quick to defend themselves with confrontations regarding their drinking habits. When an alcoholic is unable to drink as much as need be, they suffer from physical withdrawal symptoms that inhibit them from feeling well. Nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, are all common signs of alcohol withdrawal. Insomnia, hand tremors, and fatigue are additional symptoms that may be experienced. (University of Maryland Medical Center) Alcohol and tobacco products are commonly used in not only American s ociety, but in cultures around the globe.They have each continued to be advertised as enjoyable experiences, thus their social acceptability. Despite their prevalence and media allure, scientific evidence is irrefutable. Single and habitual use of nicotine and alcohol both affect the body in significantly negative ways. These substances are both linked to a variety of cancers, amongst other health issues. The forgo of these drugs results in mild to severe emotional discomfort. Typical behaviors include depression, irritability and apprehension. In addition, visible cues such as sweating and shakiness are common in withdrawal.Based upon scientific study, alcohol and tobacco use are practices not to be taken lightly. Their toxic effects on the human body are disregarded in American culture, however, it is imperative that every user understands each substance in its entirety. A nicotine addiction is quite different from an alcohol dependency, as nicotine seems to be primarily a physica lly unhealthy habit, and alcohol becomes a lifestyle. Nonetheless, each addiction is completely detrimental to one's health, and all risks should be considered before taking that first sip or smoke.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Movie Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Movie Analysis - Essay Example In the film, juror 8 made a statement that it is possible and not probable that the boy is the killer (Sidney, 12 Angry Men). Juror 8 uses this to justify the innocence of the boy because they are all not certain that the boy is guilty. Juror 8 makes this decision based on reasoning. Flaws in human perception can affect areas of knowledge, thus affect or even change people’s beliefs. In the film, juror 4 believes that despite the fact that there was no evidence proving that the boy was guilty, presence of an eyewitness who saw the incident is indisputable evidence that makes the boy guilty. At this point, juror 4 drew from personal experiences and used deductive reasoning to make statements that make him believe that the boy is guilty. However, the juror’s perception was flawed because he did not realize smaller details. It is clear that small flaws in our perception can affect our beliefs and thus, our judgment. Juror 10 had a perception that people from the slums comm it crimes. Juror 10 perception and beliefs towards people from the slums clouded his judgment making him believe that the boy was guilty. Emotion and perception can mold or even alter a person’s beliefs in a certain way. The emotions, reasoning, and perceptions of the 11 jurors forced them to believe that the boy was guilty (Sidney, 12 Angry Men). Some of these perceptions are based on personal experiences while other depended on logic and personal reasoning. The effect of reasoning and perception depicted in the film 12 Angry Men is also evident in our everyday lives. The issue about the potentials and abilities of people with disability has been met with many misinterpretations due to varying people’s perceptions and beliefs towards such people. People who are not exposed to individuals with disabilities often perceive that these persons are weaker compared to other people.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operations Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Operations Design - Assignment Example The assignment "Operations Design" talks about the operational efficiency, one of the most important factors in order to gain competitive advantage. It is involved in various strategic issues like the deciding the location and size of manufacturing plants, determining the structure of telecommunication and service networks and developing the supply chains. Various tactical issues where operation management is involved are layout and structure of the plant, methods of project management and selection as well as replacement of equipment. Apart from strategic and tactical issues there are various operational issues like scheduling and controlling of production, inventory management, controlling quality, materials and traffic controlling and maintenance of equipmentÃ'Ž There is the extensive practice of operations management in the airline and the automobile industry. In both the industry long term success depend on proper size, layout, structure of manufacturing plants, efficient and c ost-effective supply chains, proper quality and inventory control, assembly system and equipment maintenance. Most of the recent problems in this two industry are associated with these above-mentioned issues. To address these issues various programs like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), TQM (Total Quality Management), BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) etc. are developed and implemented. Success in the automobile industry hugely depends on how the organization manages the entire operation.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Epigenetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Epigenetics - Essay Example Altering the mice epigenome so that they can produce thin, brown mice rather than fat, yellow ones means that epigenetics is close to curing some of the diseases considered as inherited. In the video, the pregnant rats are fed diets rich in methyl groups to form tags that can turn genes off. This experiment proves successful in mice as the coat color was shifted producing many more brown mice. The epigenetic fix when the mothers were pregnant resulted to a consequent produce of brown mice. Use of environmental toxin on the mice instead of nutrients produced more yellow mice doomed to grow fat and sick like their mothers. This video shows that in humans, epigenomes change in relation to what we eat, smoke or drink. The video shows that, in younger twins the epigenome is almost similar but as the twins grow older, epigenomes change dramatically and especially when they are subjected to different lifestyles. The research conducted on Sandra Shelby and Roy Cantwell using epigenetic therapy aimed at changing the instructions of the cancer cells through genes reactivation is a step closer to solving modern day killer diseases like cancer and leukemia. This video cautions us from engaging in activities that can mess up our genomes. According to the video, humans are what they eat and what their parents and grandparents eat. Unlike the genome, the epigenome is subject to change affecting our future generations and humans should be responsible as there is hope for the future.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Talent Development and Capability in Sunny Optical Dissertation

Talent Development and Capability in Sunny Optical - Dissertation Example When the four dimensions of emotional intelligence pursuant to Coleman’s model are examined, the value for talent retention and attraction is obvious. These four dimensions of emotional intelligence are the cornerstone of â€Å"effective primal leadership† (Pahl 2008, p. 8). Leaders will not be able to manage their emotions if they are not aware of their own emotions. As a result, their ability to cope with and manage organization relationships will be compromised. Also tied to self-awareness is self-confidence. A confident leader inspires trust from within the organizations. This is important because, talented employees are more likely to remain with an organization lead by a self-confident leader (Pierce and Newstrom 2002). The self-management dimension of emotional intelligence is also important to talent retention and attraction because it is tied to control of one’s emotions and will likely be accompanied by transparent leadership, the ability to adapt, high achievement, initiative and optimism. What this means is that by being transparent, Wu exhibits key elements of trustworthiness: honesty and integrity. Being able to adapt means that Wu has the necessary ability to adapt to the new labour law and low available talent and to overcome these challenges. Achievement means that Wu has the determination to enhance performance and talent and to meet these objectives. Being possessed of initiative, Wu is ready to act and to take advantage of any opportunity that arises (Pahl 2008). Social awareness is perhaps the most important trait associated with emotional intelligence for resolving the challenges for SO. Social awareness involves empathy and manifests the basic ability to sense and predict the emotions of others and to show understanding and interest... The paper demonstrates how the emotional intelligence is a good way to retain and attract talent and thus if channelled properly. The drive to attract and retain talent is important for the success of any organization. Ultimately, organizations will stand or fall on its talent. The key issues are whether or not Wu and the remainder of the management team at SO are making the correct decisions relative to where to invest finances and human capital and whether or not they have the wherewithal to ensure that the organization is innovative and competitive. This report identifies the challenges for achieving this objective and recommends ways that SO can overcome these challenges to meet its talent retention goals. As a result of the difficulties associated with coming into direct contact with leaders, the following recommendations are made so that SO capitalizes on its CEO’s emotional intelligence for the purpose of retaining and attracting talent. To start with, SO is a knowledge intensive organization with its emphasis on quality products and innovation. Finally and more importantly, as the paper says, Wu should take steps to ensure that he is personally available to his staff so that they can be influenced by his emotional intelligence. It is not enough that he meets weekly with other management. In the meantime, funds and resources should be allocated to training and education so that all staff members will have the opportunity to develop talent.

Promotional and Advertising Strategies Assignment - 2

Promotional and Advertising Strategies - Assignment Example From this discussion it is clear that  the owners of the Ford still have the primary control of their company compared to GM that is politically controlled and the federal government has some impact on the business. The two companies are very different in culture as well as their marketing strategies. For example, General Motors have pulled itself out of Facebook while Ford is making the platform to influence the world more and more. GM got assistance from the government to overcome the storm while Ford found its way to the crisis and survived.This paper outlines that  the social marketing strategy of the two companies is interesting in several ways like, while GM strives and tries to use the traditional methods in marketing their products by abandoning their Facebook account, Ford is on the other hand attempting to embrace the social platform to connect with its customers that give it a competitive edge.  Scholars have always talked about using social media as one way of reach ing the potential customers of a given product and get a lot of benefits from this strategy. Comparing these two companies, Ford has been ranked as the number one company using Facebook to help itself, their brand and the stakeholders too. Ford is said to understand the ways of reaching the new market while GM does not seem to understand these methods.  While GM tries to dictate where it wants its customers to go, Ford, on the other hand, tries to listen to its clients and make products that suit their customers' specifications.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

International marketing - Essay Example In case of IM the firms looks to make their products available to the international customers. Therefore they have to deal with PESTLE factors of not only one but several other countries. Due to this factors such as tariff barriers, govt. regulations, etc. They also have to face competition from the international competitors also. But with high risk there are opportunities to earn high returns also in the form of growth, profitability, opportunity to earn economies of scale. The study looks to focus upon some of the key issue to be considered by a firm when the firm decides to enter the international market. The company to be discussed is Tesco PLC, the biggest retailer in the UK. During the course of study the probable strategies that could be adopted by the company to expand the business has been discussed using international strategic and marketing mix of Tesco (from an international, perspective), Porter’s diamond model, Uppsala model, country of origin effect and born glo bal model. Marketing Mix: 4P’s Framework The concept of marketing mix can be described as the set of manipulable marketing elements that can be used by the company to achieve organizational objectives. The marketing mix consists of four key elements. Neil Borden termed these manipulable elements as the ‘Marketing Mix’. In the early 1960’s he suggested 12 elements which the company should keep in mind while formulating marketing program. Then E. Jerome McCarthy delineated the marketing mix as the 4Ps of the marketing mix. In simple terms the elements of the marketing mix can be used to lay the much required foundation for the overall marketing strategy. Product Tesco is one of the major retailers in the world. It provides shelf space to the products of some of the major global brands. Along with this the company also provides private label branded products. The product ranges from fresh food, groceries, clothing and apparels, health and beauty products, ele ctronic garments. The vast ranges of products allow the company to target a wide range of customer segments starting from kids to adults. As the company product a vast product mix with lots of variation the company opts for brand positioning as compared to individual brand positioning. Price Tesco mainly uses market driven pricing. Here it is to be mentioned that with the rise in competition in the global retail market and the recent economic downturn has forced the retail companies to decrease the prices. A part form this the company also uses promotional pricing techniques, especially in case of clothing products. In the initial days the company adopted a market skimming strategy. Thus the company set high prices for the offerings. But once the competition increased the company had to adapt and shift to market driven pricing. Also the pricing strategy has been influenced by the economic conditions. The market driven pricing has been well punctuated by other pricing techniques such as promotional pricing. Place It is believed that the Tesco has one of the best distribution strategies. The key factor that influences the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Formal Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Formal Business Report - Essay Example imarily taken as benchmark because it is one of the biggest success stories within the fashion industries that have been able to retain its competitive edge even in the tough economic conditions. The firm, ABCD Fashions is recommended to follow the model of Zara and expand its operations globally, especially in emerging economies like India, China. The consultancy report is prepared by the Marketing Manager for the Board members of UK based fashion retailer, ABCD, on the potential of expanding the business across the globe. The major purpose is to recommend the best way to proceed over the next three years in the current competitive business environment. ABCD Fashion is a high-end UK garment retailer which is facing huge competition from domestic and foreign apparel houses. While Primark and Tesco attract customers with their low cost fashion garments, Mark & Spencer, Zara etc. offer a wide range of high-end garments which become very attractive for customers during discount seasons. Today, contemporary fashion is more influenced by the changing socio-cultural paradigms of rapid globalisation and the myriad channels of communication such as the Internet, international magazines, TV etc. have evolved as crucial tools that facilitate greater awareness regarding the changing fashion trend across the customers. Moreover, lack of variety in fashion clothing, problems of cultural biases faced by retailers and the recessive trend in the economy have significantly impacted the performance of the firm and the industry in general. The company therefore, needs to evolve innovative strategy and creative input within its operations to identify a nd exploit new opportunities of growth. Another similar business, Zara, a member of the Inditex group of Spain, was studied and used to compare and contrast the business imperatives vis-Ã  -vis Strategic orientation towards product-market development; competitive strategy pursued; product innovation; technological innovation; and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Homicide in England and Wales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Homicide in England and Wales - Essay Example Table 1. Select data on crime, figures and Source: Home Office 2010, p. 31 Based on Table 1 which was taken from Table 2.04 of Home Office (2010, p. 31), violators for the offence of manslaughter was 739 in 1997, 750 for fiscal year 1998-99, 766 for 1999-00, 850 for 2000/01, 891 for 2001/02, and 1,047 for 2002/03. According to the statistics in the document, the offence count for manslaughter has been decreasing for the period 1999 to 2002/03. Beginning 2003/04, however, the trend was reversed. Instead of an increasing offence count for manslaughter, we have instead a generally decreasing victim count. The victim count for manslaughter decreased from 1,047 in 2002/03 to 904 in 2003/04, to 868 in 2004/05, to 764 in 2005/06, and to 758 in 2006/07. The count for manslaughter slightly increased to 774 in 2007/08 but it decreased to 657 in 2008/09 that is way below the count in 2006/07, decreasing further to 615 in 2009/10. The offence for manslaughter decreased by 6% in 2009/10 compared to its level in 2008/09. The count for attempted murder generally followed the trend for manslaughter. The count for â€Å"attempted murder† in 2009/10 at 588 is much lower than its count in 1997 in 652, even if the count for â€Å"attempted murder† increased by 2% from its count of 576 in 2008/09 to its count of 588 in 2009/10. As of 2007/08, the offence â€Å"threat or conspiracy to murder† remains high because the offence remains in several thousand cases. However, we should note that the offence count for â€Å"threat or conspiracy to murder† in 2007/08 level at 9,962 is close to its count in 1997 at 9,340. More important, however, we must note that its count of 9,962 in 2007/08 is about half to far less than half of the offence count in a total of four years or from 2002/03 to 2005/06. The offence count for â€Å"threat or conspiracy to murder† in 2007/08 at 9,962 is also way below than its count of 12,822 in 2006/2007. Further, it is very imp ortant to point out that the count for the offence â€Å"threat or conspiracy to murder† has been consistently decreasing since 2002/03. It is also important to emphasize that the consistent decrease in the count has been going on for at least five years. The data appears to suggest that both the offence of manslaughter, the offence of attempted murder, and the offence of â€Å"threat or conspiracy to murder† are all on the decline. Meanwhile, the offence count for â€Å"possession of weapon† consistently increased from 1998/99 to 2004/05. Beginning 2005/06 until 2007/2008, there is a consistent decrease in the offence count but it does not seem substantial because the offence count was not restored close enough to its count level during and near the period 1998/99. The figures in Table 1 validate an important point against capital punishment or the death penalty. Although capital punishment has been abolished in England and Wales, the abolition of the death pen alty did not present an obstacle for many important crimes or offence to be reduced. According to Radelet and Lacock (2009, p. 490), criminologists have been interested whether capital punishment is really effective in deterring crime or if the absence of death penalty would increase the crime rate and incidence. Table 1 from Home Office (2010) provides an important answer. As shown by the data and by our discussion of the offence count in manslaughter, â€Å"attempted murder†, and â€Å"threat or conspiracy to murder†, the absence of a death penalty will not imply an absence

Monday, July 22, 2019

Milosz v. Pienkowski Essay Example for Free

Milosz v. Pienkowski Essay â€Å"These damn Jews! They’re rotten and don’t belong here! We need to remove them all from Poland and send them to concentration camps! † â€Å"Whoah. You are misinformed about the history of your own country. Firstly, the Jews definitely belong here. For centuries Poland has had the largest and most prominent Jewish population in the world. Although religious tolerance did end with the partitioning of Poland by the Russian empire, Judaism is still extremely prevalent. It is even the second largest religion in the Wilno area. † â€Å"Whatever! They are single-handedly causing economic stagnation and poverty in my naturally prosperous country! † â€Å"This is also untrue. When Poland was under Pilsudski’s leadership, the economy grew significantly despite other world economic crises. He was opposed to anti-Semitism and believed that devotion to the Polish republic could be created from all ethnic and religious groups. Maybe the economic stagnation is due to other factors, such as Poland being partitioned into three estranged areas representing different power structures from Austria, Germany, and Russia. This causes problems for sustaining a united government and school systems. Also, foreigners utilizing cheap labor to make a quick buck are exploiting Polish industrial centers. Western countries will only offer their aid if it reduces some kind of threat to themselves. This situation would cause any country to disintegrate. The Jews were most certainly not the problem. † â€Å"You are just infected with socialism and are a Jew-lover! Pilsudski means nothing! It’s Dmowski who had the right idea! Poles are the best! Race is above everything! The first thing we need to do is energize the Polish population with nationalism and exercise our spiritual, physical, and material domination! † â€Å"Actually, in my youth I was conditioned to hate Jews as well, but I soon realized that I was the product of my environment. Although my relatives flamboyantly encouraged anti-Semitism, I outgrew those family arrogances and began to realize why anti-Semitism developed. The first reason is the way the youth is taught. Only Polish texts are read in schools, and textbooks are extremely biased, as nationalists write them. This makes other cultures seem inferior by exclusion, and even if Jewish literature is published, it is either disregarded or doesn’t reach the larger population of Poland. Furthermore, anti-Semitism perpetuates with continuous streams of Jewish jokes and Christians whispering about Judaism as if it was a shameful disease. The real responsibility of regarding the Jews as different nationality, however, lies with nationalist writers and journalists, as they can influence schools, books, and even ‘change history’ through their writing by providing biased accounts of historical events. † â€Å"That’s not true! There aren’t enough nationalists, because Jews still occupy all managerial and leadership positions and have tainted the entire state system! Screw their books! The only reason I’d want to learn about Jews would be to overthrow them! † â€Å"Actually, Jews are discriminated against for many positions, including the Army and medical school slots. And, on the contrary, if you did learn about Jewish literature, it might help remove prejudice against them. Instead of seeing them as inferior, Jewish literature may convince you that Jews are worthy and intelligent. Instead of judging Jews through familiar stereotypes, propaganda, biased teaching, opposite truths, and ignorance, try judging different ethnicities based on merit. This is what I did in college with my literary alliances, and it allowed me to see past ethnic differences and realize that Jews aren’t a different nationality. They just have different beliefs. But together, we can become one, unified country. † â€Å"Blegh. You are way behind your time. I won’t waste my time speaking to an imbecile any longer. † Word Count: 598 Part Two In order to write this dialogue, I read Pienkowski’s text and wrote down all of the arguments and nationalistic comments that I could find. Next, I did an extremely close reading of the text and highlighted parts that I thought best countered these arguments. Then, I made an outline. The first point on my outline was the history of ethnic minorities in Poland, including the Pilsudski discussion on page 51, and the political anti-Semitism history on page 92. I also used notes that I took in class to help with basic background knowledge. My next point on the outline was how and why anti-Semitism developed. I talked about how schools, teachers, and children were exposed to this discrimination (98), and how biased textbooks (97) and Jewish literature played a huge role (98). Relatives also had a large impact on Milosz (96), and it seemed that everybody in society was exposed to anti-Semitism, perpetuating prejudice through jokes and whispers (94-99). The brunt of the responsibility, however, lied with the nationalist writers and journalists (106). I then went on to my next point, about how economic degradation was not due to the Jews. In fact, there are many alternate reasons for economic stagnation, which appear on page 61. For my next point, I took note of how Milosz, as a child, was conditioned by society and relatives to dislike Jews. However, at the university, his opinions changed, which brought me to my next point: What needs to be done in order to eliminate anti-Sematic beliefs? The information for the last point didn’t specifically come from the text. Instead, I predicted what Milosz would say based off of what he wrote. I gathered that to squash ethnic assimilation, one should end the brainwashing, propaganda, biased teaching, opposite truths (where one country/area teaches an aspect of history completely different from another country/area), and ignorance. Instead, people should become educated about different cultures, and not focus on racial or religious unity. Instead, they should focus on state unity, like Pilsudski believed. One should also judge by merit, like Milosz did when he went to the university (102). Then I created tone for each character (Milosz being rational and Pienkowski being rash, impatient, and rude), and created an argument! Word Count: 373.

The Background Of Nationalism Theology Religion Essay

The Background Of Nationalism Theology Religion Essay Fr. Horacio Dela Costa, in his work The Background of Nationalism and Other Essays, made an effort to help the Filipino find strengthen his own sense of identity, questioning the shallowness of the usual Filipinos claim for national identity. He says, It is easy enough to say, I am Filipino. but then asks what saying it means when the very word itself is a foreign derivative with no exact indigenous equivalent. The truth is that, as Father Dela Costa says, we do not even have a name we can call our own. Father Dela Costas essays in this text concerns to clarify the Filipinos sense of identity and purpose as a nation.(p. vii) In this text, Father Dela Costa gave light on the responsibility of the writer in contemporary Philippine society. Here he writes about the concerns the writer must keep in mind. The writer as an artist, he says, is responsible for conveying the right memorable experience in his text. The writer must be aware of the Filipinos sense of identity. Startling, in fact, that Father Dela Costa started proving the Filipinos cultural identity by doubting it. He asks, Do we have a cultural identity? (p.83) He wonders because what is apparent is that Filipinos have cultural diversity far more pronounced than any other Asian nation. He recognizes that our neighboring Asian nations have been subjected to Western cultural influence but he observes that none of them have experienced such interpenetration as the Filipino. This is the reason why he questions the Filipino identity. The influence of the West have seemingly been so much mixed with the Filipinos own that it might, in a way, have dominated what remains to be originally Filipino. Father Dela Costa contends that Filipinos cannot just accept it as a given that the Filipino is culturally diverse, a mix of Asian and Western. He wants the Filipino to be aware of his own and claim just one, it cannot be both. So much of the culture may be influenced by the West such as the constitution and religion but Father Dela Costa contends that still, we cannot be both. We must be one or the other, Asian or Western. He says that the Filipino who accepts both might be accepting so because he subscribes to the Aristotelian concept of orderliness wherein he likes to see things fit neatly in categories. To those who accept both, the Filipino is Asian because he is geographically from Asia but also Western because of so much Western things he does culturally. However, this new category of being both might be disorderly after all. Father Dela Costa suspects a rough kind of unity here. (p.84) All in all, Father Dela Costa encourages the Filipino writer to be aware of his identity thru enlarged consciousness and refined sensibility of the present and past. This work of his aims to empower the Filipino to be aware of what he truly is and truthfully claims his culture as his own. The Rizal Bill of 1956 Horacio dela Costa was asked to draft for the Church a pastoral letter on the writings of Jose Rizal (particularly Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo) being included in the reading curriculum of students in the Philippines. It is not something many know, but he actually expressed a positive view of Rizal, hailing Rizal as builder of a nation. In draft A, he reinforced that Rizal was not someone with an unthinking love for the country, meaning that the Filipinos suffered under colonial rule but this was not the only cause of their suffering. He went on to say that Rizals books, contrary to popular belief, were in fact not looked upon unfavorably by the Catholic Church since the Church would never get in the way of the legitimate political and social aspirations of any people (Schumacher), which were expressed in Rizals novels. However, a closer inspection of the novels reveals that his writing did not lambast the Church but rather brought attention to the abuses and issues surrounding the institution such as the reality of unfaithful priests and excessive veneration of saints. Though it must be realized that these issues do not in any way render Catholic doctrine as a whole null and void. Therefore, in Dela Costas view, it can be seen that Rizal was not targeting the Catholic Church with his novels but the crimes that its members commit in order to tarnish its principles. The way of Jesuit Education entails that a person has morality closely intertwined with intellect, an integral relationship between the life of faith and the life of the mind. (Donahue 1992) This therefore implies that one may display the values of his Jesuit education by making sure that his sense of morality permeates his intellectual endeavors, that he is able to discern well with reason but also able to see goodness, to see God in all things, no matter how difficult it might seem to be. In this case, Horacio Dela Costa incorporated morality into his analysis of Rizal and his two novels by discerning Rizals motives through his writing. It would be all too easy to go with the opinion of the majority of the bishops who hired him to write the pastoral letter by just condemning the inclusion of Rizals novels in the reading curriculum of schools. However, Dela Costa wrote out a letter with a more positive view of Rizal according to what his intellect, as well as his sense of morality and goodness told him, which in turn gauged the morality that he could see in Rizal and his writings. Rizals novels tell of some negative aspects of religion, such as corruption in the character of Fr. Damaso and Salvi or even the religious complacency of Tiago, who prayed as much as a saint in the story but might not have reflected this religious sense in terms of his actions. It would have been all too easy for Dela Costa, or for anyone, for that matter, to dismiss these examples as plain criticisms of the Church, aimed at providing those who do not support the Church as an institution with the fuel to rip them apart. However, Dela Costa was able to use his keen intellect and sense of morality and goodness on Rizals writings in order to pinpoint insights that went much deeper. He was able to surmise that Rizal was not anti-Church; his writings did not reflect a negative image of Catholic doctrine, but rather revealed the abuses and crimes being committed by the members of the Church, whether these be in the higher ranks such as the priests or ordinary laymen. Dela Costa was able to recognize Rizals examples of excessive veneration of saints, malicious behavior of religious figures, and other such unholy matters as expressing a stand against how religion was presented to people during his time; how religion existed in peoples lives back then. Dela Costa was able to recognize Rizals morality and sense of goodness through his writing when others could only see bald-faced accusations and criticisms of a powerful institution. It is important to possess a realistic picture of the world, a world where suffering exists. In the world today, it would be so easy for a person to block things out if they should find something unpleasant. However, a Jesuit education, in order to let people see that there is goodness and God in everything must also groom people to accept and face the reality of a suffering world. Dela Costa would not have taken Rizals exposure of the negative aspects of the Church as he did, if he did not choose to see the world for what it is, negative aspects and all. He was also able to understand Rizals intentions to tackle suffering at its source because he was also able to take the time to discern the dirty, painful picture of reality and avoid putting blame and accusations on Rizal, who the bishops thought had a negative view of the Church itself. On Free Trade and Poverty Free trade between an industrial country and an agricultural country is to the detriment of the agricultural country à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Our negotiating position à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ cannot be other than based on our national interest à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and at the same time, on social justice. (Trade between the unequal, lecture 30 August 1968). According to Gatdula these assertions made by Fr. De La Costa, based on recent findings by several international organizations, were deemed correct and still very much relevant in todays free trade market. His works from the past are still some of the main frameworks of todays society. On poverty this is Fr. Dela Costas perspective: We must now make our own decisions and must take the full consequences of the decisions we wrongly make, or weakly make, or cravenly fail to make. We no longer have a mother country or a colonial master to blame for our shortcomings; we only have ourselves. (Philippine Economic Development, 27 January 1966) Although not specifically directed towards the poor and impoverished, Fr. Dela Costa believes that we have full control over our lives and he wants the poor to take control to try to get themselves out of the hole they are currently in. They have to make a stand and not just blame whomever for their situation. Another insight is that this phrase was written forty years ago for it most likely was a problem back then that Fr. Dela Costa saw, truly enough this is still applicable in our lives today, especially with our Filipino culture of blaming others for the shortcomings or negative outcomes in our lives. Clearly seen in our electoral system wherein we are the ones who vote for and decide who our government officials are but when they dont perform up to par we blame them but in reality the one to blame is us, for we are the ones who voted for them. Fr. Dela Costa also asserts that for our country to gain economic development all the people must contribute, it must be a joint effort. Undoubtedly this is true but the question that he raises is that are we all willing to do this?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm To solve the planning problem, we proposed an ACO algorithm with further designed. ACO builds solutions in a step-by-step manner and enables the use of problem-based heuristics to guide the ants to search the way; it is possible to design heuristics are useful to direct the ants to schedule the critical tasks as early as possible and to assign the project tasks to suitable employees with required skills. The Ant Colony Optimization promises to give solution with fast and perform well on the given problem. In consideration of the previous experiments, the proposed approach is compared with four other approaches on three real projects with randomly generated instances. Ant Colony Optimization algorithm can be described as the repeated execution of the following three main procedures: Solution construction Pheromone management Daemon actions The solution construction strategy in the proposed algorithm has two steps: 1) Construction of the task list 2) Construction of the matrix for employee allocation. The pheromone values are to be updated by the local and the global updating rules. 6.2 Software Environment 6.2.1 Features of .Net Microsoft .NET is a set of Microsoft software technologies for rapidly building and integrating XML Web services with Windows-based applications, and Web Application solutions. The .NET Framework is a language-neutral platform for writing programs that can easily and securely interoperate. There’s no language barrier with .NET: there are numerous languages available to the developer including Managed C++, C#, Visual Basic and Java Script. The .NET framework provides the foundation for components seamless interaction locally or remotely on various platforms. Net mainly standardizes the common data types of various languages and communication protocols so that components created in different languages can easily interoperate. â€Å".NET† is also the collective name given to various software components built upon the .NET platform. The .Net platform will provide to develop both products and services (like .NET My Services, Passport and so on). 6.2.2 The .Net Framework The .NET Framework has two main parts: The Common Language Runtime (CLR). A hierarchical set of class libraries. The CLR is the key feature of .net that described as the â€Å"execution engine† of .NET. It provides the common execution environment to execute programs which will be implemented in different languages. The main features .Net is Converting a low-level assembly-style language which is called as Intermediate Language (IL), into a native code (0’s and 1’s) to the platform being executed on. The new feature garbage collection that manages the memory efficiently. Verifying and also enforcing security restrictions on the code when it is running. Contains version control feature that maintains different versions of the programs and other such features. The following some other features of the .NET framework are described: Managed Code The programming language code which targets .NET framework is called managed code. Both managed and unmanaged code can be running at the runtime, but only the managed code contains the information that allows the CLR to make guarantee and execute, for any instance, the safe execution and interoperability. Managed Data Managed Code comes with the Managed Data. Common Language Runtime provides allocation of memory and dealing location facilities, and also garbage collection. Some .NET languages use Managed Data by default; those are like C#, VB .NET and JScript.NET. Targeting Common Language Runtime will be depending on the languages are using; make certain constraints on the available features. With the managed code and unmanaged code, one can have both the managed data and the unmanaged data in .NET application development the data that doesn’t get garbage collected but instead is looked after by unmanaged code. Common Type System The CLR uses something called the Common Type System (CTS) to strictly enforce type-safety for different languages supported by .Net. This will ensure that all classes which are implementing should be compatible with each other class, describing these types in a common way. Common Type System that defines how types (classes, interfaces, structures†¦) work at the runtime, which also enables these types in one language that interoperate with the types(classes, interfaces,..) in any other language, including with cross-language exception handling. CTS will ensure that the types are only used in a particular way; the runtime environment also ensures that the code does not make attempt to access any memory that is not allocated to it. Common Language Specification The Common Language Specification provides built-in rules and specifications that support for different languages interoperability. It also ensures that can be developed managed code is fully used by different developers using various programming languages, a set of language features and specifications has been defined in Common Language Specification (CLS). The components which follow these specifications and expose only Common Language Specification features are considered as CLS-compliant code. 6.2.3 The Class Library .NET provides one more special feature called base class library contains hierarchy of classes that are in built. Base class library defines more than 1000 types of inbuilt classes. Each and every class that defined in special construct called the namespace. The root namespace defined System or System.Object. System namespace contains basic types like Int16, Byte, Double, and String, etc. as well as Object. Objects of any class that derived from the System.Object. All the types have been differentiated into two types, Value types and Reference. Value types can be allocated in the stack memory that can provide more flexibility. Also having features called boxing and unboxing, boxing means of converting value types to reference types and vice versa. The base class library (BCL) is a library of classes that are pretty comprehensive. BCL providing generic collections, network I/O, Security, threading, and so on, which provides also XML and database connectivity using ADO .Net. The base class library is subdivided into groups of related namespaces; each namespace provides variety of classes that are related logically. 6.2.4 Languages Supported By .Net The multi-language capability of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET tool enables the programmers to use their programming skills to develop different types of applications like standalone applications, Web services, and web applications. The .NET framework also supports different versions of languages like Visual Basic, C++, VB.NET, and Managed C++, and so on. C# is an object oriented programming language used to develop the various applications like web, windows, web services,†¦there is no standard library for C# on its own but it has been designed with the help of using the .NET libraries. Fig. 6.1 Net Framework C#.NET is also compliant with Common Languages Specification and that supports structured exception handling with System Exception namespace. Common Language Specification is a set of rules that are followed by the Common Language Runtime. CLR is the execution engine provided by the .NET and it performs the execution of the code, makes the development process very easy. The objects or components that created by C# able to use in other CLS-compliant languages. Can be use objects and components created in any other CLS-compliant languages in C#.NET. The CLS ensure that complete interoperability between applications, regardless of the different languages used to design the application. 6.3 Features of SQL-Server SQL-Server is a Microsoft’s official data base server which will use to maintain large number of tables with relations. The OLAP Services feature available in SQL Server version 7.0 is now called SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. The term OLAP Services has been replaced with the term Analysis Services. Analysis Services also includes a new data mining component. The Repository component available in SQL Server version 7.0 is now called Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Meta Data Services. References to the component now use the term Meta Data Services. The term repository is used only in reference to the repository engine within Meta Data Services. SQL-SERVER database consist of six type of objects. They are, Table Query Form Report Macro

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Legalization Of Weed :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this country, we are locked in a war we simply cannot win. We strive to protect over 10,000 miles of border, against enemies who are driven by the lure of a huge profit. We fought a version of this war before with prohibition, and we lost that one. All that has really resulted from this war is the overcrowding of prisons, the expansion of law enforcement’s ability to infringe on the personal lives of ordinary citizens, paranoia and distrust. If its not obvious already, I am referring to the war on drugs, marijuana in specific. Why spend millions of dollars fighting a war that can not be won? Legalizing marijuana would not only make the government money, but also improve society as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To most the financial reasons for ending the war are the most convincing. For example, it costs over $30,000 per year to house a prisoner - this does not include processing and legal fees. There are over 1.5 million non-violent drug law offenders in prison right now, and this number is increasing daily. That means we are spending a minimum of $45 billion per year keeping former tax-paying citizens locked up with murderers and rapists. When these people get out of jail, they will have criminal records which will make it nearly impossible to get a decent job. Most of whom had jobs and were contributing to the economy in some way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States spend $37 billion per year funding police efforts to fight the war on drugs.. Recent evidence suggests the CIA has been involved in drug-trafficking to fund its own private wars. Currently there is over $150 billion worth of drug traffic that remains untaxed. If you figure a tax rate of 15%, that is a total of $22.5 billion of taxes that America doesn't see. The U.S. Treasury estimates America wastes a minimum of $104.5 billion per year fighting a war that can not be won. Meanwhile crime rates continue to rise (because of the huge profits made possible by the risks involved in the drug trade as drugs remain illegal), and the quality of education, medical care and environmental protection falls due to lack of money in the budget.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The problem with drugs is not their effect, it is the corruption that is tied to the huge profits that doing illegal business commands. Increasing penalties for drug crimes will just increase the prices and thereby the profits for people willing to take the risk. Along with these profits will come increasing war in our neighborhoods as gangs and

Friday, July 19, 2019

Analysis of Chapters 1 through 8 of Great Expectations Essay -- Great

Analysis of Chapters 1 through 8 of Great Expectations Plot and Setting- The plot starts out with a little boy name Phillip Pirrip. It is a first person narrative about a boy back in the nineteenth century. The first eight chapters deal mostly with Pip’s childhood years. It also deals with who Pip is, and his family. In the beginning of the story Pip introduces himself, and introduces his dead parents. He is in the graveyard, and then a scary looking man comes up. The man threatens him. The plot of the story I think is good because it deals a lot with the struggles in a child. He has no one to turn to. The author really helped us relate to the story. Pip gets in trouble at Christmas time. He gets hit with â€Å"The Tickler† which was a sarcastic name for a paddle. In the middle of the story two officers with Muskets come to the house. They need a blacksmith. Outside they capture two convicts. One of those convicts is Pip’s convict. The other one is the one that Pip’s convict tried to kill. They are both caught. Later on in the story, and later in his life, Pip meets a young girl named Estella. He secretly has a crush on her. Estella does not care much for Pip. She thinks he is not very gentlemen like. She also thinks that he is coarse and common. Estella and Pip do talk though. She is like a mother to Pip, she kind of disciplines him. Pip is in love with her, but she would have nothing to do with him. She thinks that his is nothing spectacular. Characters- The first character introduced in the story is a boy name Pip, he is the boy I talked about above. The next two introduced, are his mother and father. They are both dead, and Pip is all alone in life accept for his sister. That is who is introduced next. His sister is married to a man named Joe. Pip lives with these people. The scary convict described above was the next character introduced into the story. Mr. Wopsle is the next character introduced into the story. He was the clerk at the church, and he also goes to the Three Jolly Bargemen with Joe. The whell-wright was Mr. Hubble, and his wife. Joe’s uncle’s name is Mr. Pumblechook, he and Pip are pretty good friends in the beginning sections. They share many experiences together. Miss Havisham and Estella are the next to be introduced. Estella is Miss Havisham’s supposable daughter. Miss Havisham find... ...t around it, and he had a drawbridge. He loved his house. Wemmick ended up being a very good guide for Pip, because he helped him make some pretty tough descisions. Barnard’s Inn- This place is just a dump. It is in a part of the city where the buildings are close together, and Pip does not really enjoy staying here. He always talks about a guy named Barnard, although there was no guy really named Barnard. This place is definitely a place where Pip will not want to go back to. The Temple- Pip enjoys this place a lot better than Barnard’s Inn. Him and Herbert live there, and they share the room. They each have there own room in there, and Provis stays there for a while. I pictured this place as a kind of apartment building that was not very modern. I can get a good picture in my head of what The Temple looked like. Joe’s Home- This is where Pip grew up at, so I am guessing this is where his greatest memories are. So much had happened in that house, since the time he was little and even up to when Joe and Biddy were married. That house to me always seemed so out in the middle of nowhere, but still warm and a great family environment. A typical country home.

Essay --

The younger generation now is quite sensitive to issues regarding their physical characteristics. Issues such as ones’ body weight have been of serious concern. School administrators are worried that students might neglect their health; hence, an inquiry into the common eating habits is accomplished. Employing the case study paradigm; this quantitative study is focus on understanding the factors influencing the students’ eating habits. A total of 207 students of a technical vocational university in Taiwan participated in the study. Survey includes common eating habits; more specifically on the types and frequency of the food the students’ eat. The Big Five Personality Scale is also administered to further understand the factors affecting the students’ eating habits. Results show that the students’ eating habits are affected by their various background demographics, such as gender, year level, study session, and personality. More importantly, results also show that the Applied Foreign Language students scored highest on the personality trait openness. Further additional implications on the Big Five Personality are also given. In sum, the current study provides the opportunity of opening up discussions explaining; perhaps not in whole, but in part why students act the way they are today. 1. Introduction In recent years, the public in general have been valuing outward appearance more and more each day. As we read from the new, the number of people undergoing plastic surgery is at the all-time high. Beauty products have been getting better sales, even during these hard economic times [1]. It seems that people cares so much on their outward appearance than their budget. In an educational setting, many have wondered why students... ... signifies that when the frequency for eating dessert increases, Conscientiousness decreases. 5. Conclusion The current study exemplifies the use of the Big Five Personality scale to understand EFL students’ eating habits. This case study, though limited to the sample coming from a science and technology university, shows that students are more geared towards healthy lifestyles. As shown in the results that the frequency for eating breakfast is quite high (five times a week). Furthermore, students who are more Conscientious refrain from eating desserts (sweets). While eating out is much dependent on their employment status. In sum, individuals’ eating habits would be much related to their background demographics. Hence, it is recommended that students should know the consequences of both good and bad eating habits; for ultimately, you are what and how you eat.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Building New Brands on the Internet

Consumers are the main source of revenues and profits of many businesses. Companies always try to ensure that their consumers’ welfare are noted and considered in their decision making. Companies strategize their marketing campaign based on what their target market needs. They try to create a name and reputation for themselves that would be â€Å"loved† by all their consumers and keep them coming back. Companies do this by doing common forms of marketing strategy which well-planned. Some of these marketing strategies are those that people see everyday, all around, in different forms.These can be advertisements in billboards, radio, television, newspapers, flyers, etc. But as technology continues to present new means of communication, these forms have now evolved and now include media such as mobile phones and the internet. Branding Defined What most companies want is for their names or brands to be popular and well-known. Most entrepreneurs and company executives consid er branding top priority in their â€Å"to-do† list. Some people think that branding is just merely a name or a logo that represents the company or the product.In its truest essence, branding is, in fact, more than that. Dunn defines branding as ‘a demanding, complex process that requires disciplined attention over an extended period of time. ’ For company heads who are serious in making a lasting impression and a great image for their company or product, branding is a major part of their everyday responsibilities. Dunn explains more: Branding is owning a single idea, concept or feeling in the mind or heart of the customer. Sometimes it’s just a word. A phrase. A thought. An emotion. Whatever it is, you want to own it in the mind of the customer.A brand helps differentiate you from the competition. It makes your product, service or experience different from all others. It lets you stand out from the crowd. Without differentiation, you might end up competin g only on price. And with price, there seems to be no bottom to the bottom. Markets today are extremely competitive and getting ahead of competitors and winning the hearts of customers are really important for any company. Customers now are also a lot wiser and smarter than before. They know what they want and they make sure that what they patronize is up to their set standards.Branding, indeed, is a lifelong effort as continuous improvement is necessary in order to keep up with the current demands of customers. What people want today may not be the same tomorrow. Advantages and Disadvantages of Branding Every company’s goals are to be ahead in the industry it belongs, be known to its target market and be profitable. An important factor in achieving these goals is to create a brand that will make a lasting impression to the company’s target market and make customers love it. Effective branding requires a lot of time, effort and creative minds.Geoffrey Randall enumerate d the following that brands can benefit the customers: †¢ Identity: the brand must identify itself clearly and unambiguously, so name, legal protection and design elements are important. †¢ Shorthand summary: the identity should act as a summary of all the information the consumer holds about the brand. [†¦] †¢ Security: buying a familiar brand should be reassuring. The brand should guarantee to provide the benefits expected. †¢ Differentiation: the brand must clearly differentiate itself from its competitors, and show buyers how it is unique. †¢ Added value: the brand must offer more than the generic product.These are just the five major things, but there are even more that brands can do to customers. Customers patronize brands for several reasons such as trust, instinct, perceived quality, knowledge and image. Customers like to try new brands but once they already found one that is a perfect fit for their taste, it is highly likely that they will stic k to that brand for a certain period of time. It may not be forever, though, that they will just go with one brand, unless the brand keeps on reinventing itself and always stays up to date with the current market demands.Thus, it is important for marketing people or brand managers to always be updated with the latest trend and be knowledgeable on what customers want. Nowadays, any industry, any market is so dynamic that changes happen every now and then. Being always in the loop on all market updates is imperative for all company owners and executives. Branding, indeed, has a lot of good benefits to the customers. However, with all the upside comes the downside of branding such as cost, time and difficulty in reinventing the brand.For a company to establish a brand, a lot of money is required. From research and development, application, testing, up to finally marketing the brand, a huge investment is definitely needed to ensure everything works out smoothly. There are also times whe n brands tend to already have a fixed image which makes it difficult for companies to deviate a little (i. e. adding another product of different kind) and still maintain customers’ trust in the brand. Reinvention is one factor to keep the popularity of the brand and make consumers love it as time goes by.However, when people already got so used to what the brand has to offer, it may be difficult to extend the brand which might create a new image for it. Time is yet another huge investment required in coming up with a brand and marketing it. Coming up with a good brand and make people love it does not happen overnight. These things, though, can all be worth it anyway when there is a solid plan on the table and an effective team working on it. Types of Branding There are different types of branding strategies that are adopted by different companies depending on how they want to be known by the market.Among these branding types are the following: †¢ Unique Branding  œ ‘A unique branding strategy allows a company to dominate a product area by building a successful brand that stands for just one thing. Such a brand can often become synonymous with the product. ’ A good example of this branding strategy is Procter & Gamble. This giant company manufactures a wide range of products. Each of those products has its own brand name such as Ariel, Pantene, Pringles, Pampers, Head and Shoulders, and a lot more. These brand names have been popular and have already been associated to its single type of product.But behind all of those household names, there is just a single company enjoying all the success. With this branding strategy, companies can come up with same product types and market them with different brand names. However, ‘it takes a significant investment in time, money and effort to establish a new brand. ’ †¢ Corporate Branding – This branding strategy is somehow the opposite of unique branding. The company has different product offerings but all using the same brand. An example of a company using corporate branding strategy is Apple.When customers are already familiar with the brand, it is easy for them to patronize new product releases of the company. Once the company already has the customers’ trust, it can come up with new products and not have difficulty marketing it. Releasing a new product using corporate branding takes significantly lesser time and money than unique branding. However, companies using this branding strategy should also be careful to maintain the quality of their product as a failure of one may affect the entire brand. Also, range of products may be limited so as to avoid customers doubting the company’s dedication to its original product line.†¢ Range Branding – This is a combination of the two abovementioned branding strategies. A single company creates two or more brands depending on the market needs and customers’ existing pe rception to its original brand. A good example of a company that utilized range branding is Toyota. The company Toyota came up with Lexus, another brand of cars but meant to be marketed to the upper societal class. Toyota decided to do this because people already have the perception of Toyota being an affordable brand and most of its clients belong to the middle class.Using the same brand to reach the upper class may be difficult for them as their original brand was already stereotyped. Branding Methods Development of brands can be done in different ways. Branding starts in identifying a striking brand name which may represent the characteristics of the product; or it may be a name that is easy to remember. It takes a substantial amount of time before companies can come up with a brand name that will be released in the market. On the more creative side, companies also do come up with logos associated with their brand name.Logos help companies attract more customers who will also ten d to remember the brand better because of the visual representation. Brand names and logos are important aspects of branding because those are the things that really represent the product. However, there is more to branding than just those representations. Branding should also happen within the company. The work environment and culture of the company should also coincide with what it is trying to promote. Executives and all employees of the company also represent the brand. They should embody the company’s and the brand’s beliefs, mission and vision.In short, employees should be able to â€Å"live the brand. † For example, in a fast food chain promoting quick, appetizing food on the go, the staff should act as quick as possible but still treat customers very well; packaging should be sturdy enough and really meant for people who like eating while moving; machines and equipments should be efficient to meet daily demands. The overall process in making the product and delivering the service should indeed â€Å"live the brand. † Advertising is also one other aspect which should not be taken for granted in branding.Coming up with the brand name and logo is one thing, but introducing it to the market is another. Creating an identity and making a name in today’s very dynamic market is not a walk in the park. A lot of time and great deal of effort is required for the company to reach out to customers and be known. Establishing the brand is the hard part but can be done if all the people behind the brand work together. The abovementioned brand development greatly applies to brick-and-mortar companies. Today’s generation needs more than just the traditional branding methods.Customers are now looking for more interactivity and convenience as today’s technology continuous to get better and better. Companies should now also try the world of e-commerce or building brands in the internet. Most people now have access to the int ernet and are aware of the different things they can do with it, which include researching, communicating, and online shopping. Companies trying to establish a new brand, want to extend their existing brand or want to reach more market will benefit with the interactive world of the internet. However, branding in the virtual world is a lot different.The only representation the company will have over the internet is its webpage. The homepage should have a very attractive and interesting layout that will make visitors stay. Backend should also be stable and reliable with fast servers and wide bandwidth. Existing brands who have already made its name offline should also keep their image online because that is what people will actually look for. Also, online presence also requires human intervention in terms of customer support which should be available 24 by 7, if possible. The website should also have an easy-to-remember domain name.‘Even the best web site will be overlooked if u sers cannot remember where to find it. ’ In online branding, customer experience is very important because this is where customer loyalty starts. Capturing customers’ attention right from the start and providing excellent customer experience through the company’s virtual presence translates to an effective online branding. ‘For an online business, the look and feel of its website and the quality of the interface is the most important way to communicate its brand. ’ Schools of Internal BrandingThe importance of employees embodying and living the brand has already been mentioned. This is, in fact, termed as internal branding. Within the company, all the employees should ‘fully understand and appreciate their brand [for them] to provide the desired brand experience to customers. ’ There are four schools of internal branding defined in book by Van Gelder. These schools are as follows: †¢ Mission school – asserts that organizatio ns must have a corporate belief, extolled by visionary management, that functions as an internal bonding mechanism and strategic directive.†¢ Strategy school – brand-based strategic management, in which the brand is the leading organizing principle of a corporation and drives all corporate activities. †¢ Communications school – sees branding as an internal and external communications strategy which is aimed at educating staff and customers alike about the brand. †¢ Organization school – aims to establish internal conditions that allow employees to deliver the correct brand experience to consumers during so-called moments of truth.These schools aim to deliver the best customer experience by making the company’s employees understand the brand and the image the company wants to create, and equipping them with the right tools and knowledge to accomplish their jobs. Whether branding is done offline or online, these things are important as there are always people working behind the brand. Conclusion Creating a name that will be inculcated in the minds and hearts of consumers is definitely not an overnight job.It takes a lot of time, effort and money to plan, strategize and decide on the right branding strategy that will be the best match for the products and services the company is selling. Technology, indeed, has opened more opportunities for companies to build and create a name. Yet, the requirements to be successful in making a name on the virtual world are more comprehensive. Marketing and building a brand through the internet is totally different from the common media that people have been used to. Nevertheless, the benefits of this, if done correctly, are better and more exciting than the usual means offer.Bibliography Dunn, D, Branding: The 6 Easy Steps, Cameron Street Press, Oakland, 2004. Mauro, C, Visual/Interactive Brand Development, TaskZ, 2000, retrieved 4 May 2007, < http://www. taskz. com/visual_interactive_i ndepth. php> Randall, G, Branding: A Practical Guide to Planning Your Strategy, 2nd ed, Kogan Page Limited, Dover, 2000. Seidenberg, J, Three Types of Branding, Deltaflow, 2006, retrieved 4 May 2007, Van Gelder, S, Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Brand Potential Across Countries, Cultures & Markets, Kogan Page Limited, 2003

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

‘A complex character deserving sympathy.’ How far and in what ways do you agree with this view of Angelo in Measure for Measure?

In Shakespeares bar for m, Angelo emerges as a double-sided face an clutch focal point for such a worry pass, as many of Shakespeares later(prenominal) works are considered to be. Shakespeare appears to have interpreted his inspiration for the story from sources such as Promos and Cassandra (George Whetstone) and Giraldi Cinthios Hecatommithi, both represents in which a pharisaic deputy, be it Promos in Whetstones version, or Angelo in Shakespeares, seduces a woman (Cassandra or Isabella) by foreknow of pardon for her condemned br other(a).Scholars have argued for centuries whether Angelo, or indeed Promos, is a moral or an sin section. Those scholars who support the notion of Angelo as moral often cite the side by side(p) factors in the play the Duke obviously trusts Angelo Angelo is demoralised comely by the curiosity of the play to offer a sincere confession and Angelo tries to resist the temptation that Isabella presents. On the other hand, others have argued tha t Shakespeare depicts Angelo as a stringently evil man. These critics emphasise Angelos treatment of Marian, the Dukes manageable suspicion of Angelo, his desire for Isabella, and his broken promise to Isabella.By examining Angelo in both of these circumstances, it testament become apparent that the most fortunate interpretation of Angelos character is a compounding of both of these facets. One of these critics, Leo Kirschbaum, send words that the wobble in the structure of Measure for Measure is the result of a change in the characterization of Angelo. At the beginning of the play, Kirschbaum notes, Angelo is uncouth and inflexible, but this is tempered fairly by the fact that he is also dire in his consistent adherence to the law. just in the end he is a character who is no longer direful but who is instead sm completely-minded, mean, calculating (and) vindictive. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the character and his import is necessary to decide whether Angelo does actually deserve sympathy. Upon analysis of the early scenes, we, as the hearing, would instinctively begin to consider Angelo a character not worthy of sympathy, as he has ostensibly fooled the Duke into trusting him enough to maintain him power over Vienna and past immediately condemns Claudio to death for impregnating his spangr, despite his authentic love for her.By telling Angelo fatality rate and mercy in Vienna wear in thy tongue, and heart, it is apparent that the Duke trusts Angelo, grass up more than his own right-hand man, Escalus, who is unnoted to be the Dukes deputy. This, however, is overshadowed by the Dukes conversation with the beggar in I. iii where he says gestate not that the dribbling drive of love Can pierce a finish bosom and I have on Angelo imposd the office Who may in thambush of my come to strike home in both quotes we are led to believe that the Duke perhaps does not trust Angelo to the extent that is ab initio apparent. Instead, it appears to be part of a wider programme of which we are so far unaware. To make a moral judgement on Angelo at this stage of the play would be incorrect however we have besides met him as a person, and only seen him in a brief exchange whilst pass judgment the position the Duke offers him. He is, however, tyrannous enough to promise Claudios liberty in redress for Isabellas virginity, such is his power in the Dukes place.These factors, on with his cruel treatment of Mariana, with whom he had plans of conjugation which broke down because her promised proportions Came sort of war paint, exposing his shallow and hypocritical nature, would point to Angelo not being worthy of the audiences sympathy, and simply a cold, emotionless character (whose blood is real snowbroth) created by Shakespeare to reflect the promiscuous evil of Viennese society at the time.For all the negative criticism of Angelo, there is in fact plenty of evidence to suggest he is a character with deliver fea tures who can be seen as reflecting the commanding implications of punishment in a play so concerned with the theme of justice. His excuse in the final scene is the set up example of his somewhat altered attitude, ascribable to the events of the story. He is sorry that such aggrieve I procure And so buddy-buddy sticks it in my penitent heart a quote which refers to the Dukes analysis that the dribbling dart of love Can not pierce a complete bosom.This apology, especially with its arrangement at the end of the play, does leave the audience with a slightly more coercive view of Angelo than would be had otherwise. Angelos initial refusal of Isabellas whirl whilst carrying out the Dukes plan is another factor of the play which would lead the audience to sympathising somewhat with Angelo and not considering him an entirely malicious character. disrespect the evidence of these two points, however, I stark(a)ly believe that Angelo is mainly a character undeserving of sympathy, w hose reputation amongst the masses is reasonable by his selfish actions and hypocritical nature, as we learn that he has committed a crime far worse than Claudios something evidently known by the Duke, who soliloquises at the end of Act III, saying He who the steel of heaven will bear Should be as holy as severe.Although the best analysis of Angelo as a person would clearly be a combination of both malicious and beneficent, as many of the key characters in Shakespeares problem plays would best be described as, he does appear to be vastly a malevolent being, not worth of the audiences compassion.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Change is portion of every organisation. Every decennary informants autumn of a great organisation. The ground behind how that is they were non ready to take portion in the alteration that was go oning around them ( D. Ambani laminitis, Chairman Reliance Group Ltd ) .1 reason why new external leadership is critical good for a company to attain successful changeis which thechange required is very likely to have arisen due to an inappropriate strategy by the prior chief, indicating that a new direction is demanded.2: – Why do we necessitate alter direction?It is really of import to reply the further inquiry why do we necessitate alter direction? Change direction has attributes rather similar to Organizational Development. Than why is at deeds that place a demand to develop a new profession? Answer is rather realistic as alteration direction is broader than OD in that it includes a broader scope of increasing human resource public presentation, development of information engi neering Jelinek & A ; Litterer, 1988 ( hypertext mass transfer protocol: // leader should concentrate on the aims he aims at achieving without any external interruption.

2. ‘Royal Mail ‘ Introduction2.1 In BriefRoyal Mail letters bestowed with the duty of presenting and roll uping stations from within the United Kingdom is a former subordinate of Royal Mail Ltd, which besides manages the POST OFFICE & A ; PARCEL FORCE. Attained its separate human individuality in the twelvemonth 1986 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //en.Nearly all the team leader prefer to do the new job to be able to locate the things rather than expecting their team ) .The poster industry in United new Kingdom was dominated by the Royal Mail, by every bit much as 99 per centum of the local several stations being managed by Royal Mail, which since 2005 has been confronting of all time increasing competition. Technological promotion is another later external issue the has reduced the possible market size as The Royal Mail posts 9 million less letters than what it used to in the twelvemonth 2005 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //new s.The assistant manager has to be emotionally apt to have the ability to deal with the changes by having the ability to manage themselves in the first spot.

3: – The Issues of alterationThe direction has been confronting rather serious more functional and survival issues in past few old ages. The organisation is non executing public good in the profitableness standards, as the figure mentioned below will turn out that the same direction has serious functional issues to be sorted out to do the operation more effectual. Ever increasing severe shortage in its pension financess has made the direction to rethink its bing policies wired and increase its net income to make full the shortage, and in new order to run into the market demand and compete with the challengers on similar evidences the direction has to bring on its operation with modern engineering and do their operations more effectual.3.Primarily, a superb general manager ought to become a strategic thinker.stm ) . It faced serious issues associating to its traditional methods of screening and delivering, which were critically evaluated to be the premier cause of its los ingss. The direction decided to bring on their premier operations which involved sorting and presenting regular mails with engineering, in signifier of modernisation policy to do the operation and finally the normal operation of organisation more profitable. The losingss were so terrible that the proposal was passed in the hosiery of common to soft sell the major interest of Royal Mail to do privatize its operation ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.Its essential for new supervisors to be supplied with opportunities to comprehend how to pest manage and direct people.

3. 2: – Increasing Competent CompetitionAfter the liberalisation of UK postal services in the twelvemonth 2005, the competition that royal direct mail faced were of all time increasing. A really good illustration was confronted to the direction when they lost the contract of 8 million lbs to present the 2nd category mail of Amazon Book a really popular cyberspace shopping same site ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ought to adopt plans which will cause shift in technological how people get the job finished although the company has recorded tremendous performance throughout the last eight ) .Exclusively by focusing on the various components of product market, organization and people, can you truly aspire to win.

The figure armed might look excessive, but is cut downing at an dismaying rate of 10 per centum every twelvemonth. definite Plus a crisp addition in figure of cyberspace users have reduced the market of Royal Mail, around 70 per centum of places in UK usage Internet and around 87percent of them send electronic foreign mails ( hypertext transfer protocol: // very important that the team members need to assist and long assist one another to make sure overall job success and achieve the goals that were set earlier on.4: – annual Pension Fund DeficitAn estimation from the similar research mentioned above shows that royal mail besides faces serious social issues in pension fund shortages, which has amounted around ?8 billion ( hypertext transfer protocol: // instance, among the professional staff members in every of the section is going to be delegated to create sure the task performed effectively with zero little effect on other departments.

Modern machinery meant that estimated 40,000 employees will free their occupations ( hypertext heat transfer protocol: // very small groups are subsequently combined to form groups that combine areas of the blurred vision given by the groups.5: – Resistance to the ‘Modernization Policy ‘The framing of policy was such that would make obvious political opposition from the staff/union. The policy execution estimated around 40,000 occupation cuts, which increased to around 63,000 in the twelvemonth 2010 ( hypertext transfer protocol: // information shows that they prepared and coordinated all the seven ‘S ‘ within their organisation, including the staff for the slight alteration they wanted to implement by subscribing a contract in 2007 with the CWU saying their consent to implement the modernisation policy ( hypertext transfer protocol: //

Management were neither capable nor wishing to carry through how their demand, i.e.Pay rise that would do their wage equal to the national norm ( which would be about 27 % ) .Addition in pensions support and installations ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.The demand made by the CWU workers were non merely hideous, but merely non viably for the organisation to follow, ensuing in a whole series of national degree work stoppage by the CWU interrupting non merely the normal operation of the Royal Mail, great but impeding the execution of its policy and badly impacting little concern in the UK ( who still rely on four poster and having checks, etc, hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . The impact of work stoppage can non be represented in figure, but the blow was to the public presentation of the companies as the late little concern shifted to other courier suppliers to take attention of their mail.6: – Harmonization between Management logical and the Union.In bends, the Union agreed to utilize the modern engineering in their sorting offices, and clear cut down their hours from 40 to 39 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //